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Customization timeline

Customization timeline

The following timeline is an estimated timeline — not a promise of delivery times. It does not account for delays caused by hectic periods, holiday seasons, including Chinese New Year, and any delays caused by unforeseen circumstances.

The total average time from order to delivery is 3–6 weeks. This can be longer or shorter depending on your location, choice of doll, time of year, and manufacturer. Fabrication times are longer for silicone dolls.

We aim to process orders and ship all our products out as quickly as possible so you can enjoy your new doll ASAP. Still, please be aware that your doll is made to order (even if it is pre-configured). 

This estimated timeline is the same for all authentic sex doll vendors, as we all draw from the same workshops. Please be wary of any vendor claiming uber-quick delivery times. They cannot produce a customized doll and ship it to you all within three days.

Queue times vary depending on manufacturer, model, and time of year, ranging from one day to over two months for very popular or new-release dolls. Don't hesitate to contact our friendly team before placing your order if you would like an estimate of the queue times for your specific doll.

Dolls in stock are available and ready for fast delivery. We hold some stocks in Singapore. Dolls in stock are not customizable, but you can always make them your own by changing the hair and eye color and dressing them just how you want them at home. Why not pick up some extra eyes or wigs so you can make some quick and easy changes when she arrives? They'll always be one-of-a-kind to you! You can view our Singapore Ready Stock Dolls Here. Find a lover you like, and they could be all yours in just a few days.

Can't find the doll that you are looking for in our ready stocks? Don't worry. All the dolls in our Full Collection of Sex Dolls are always available!

If you have any questions, please message us via the "Contact Us" link in the footer below.

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